Saturday, November 1, 2008

Verse for Thought

"Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place. (I Chronicles 16:27)"

Is my walk with God leaving me in awe of His splendor and majesty? I believe it’s easy to become casual in the walk and drift to numbness toward these attributes. Is my walk with God filling me with the strength and joy that are found in His presence? Unfortunately, I often create my own barriers to experiencing the fullness of these gifts. It can be a frustrating thing because I want to rest in who He is, and the only thing between them is me. It comes down to releasing my own guard and staying open and true in my walk with God. Why do we drift from the One that is essential to completing who we are? This verse simply expresses traits of God but it challenged me and I hope it challenges others.

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