Thursday, November 20, 2008


"Then the temple of the Lord was filled with a cloud, and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God. (II Chronicles 5:13b-14)"

No service, but I’m sure worship was not lost. We express worship in many ways, but this verse had me wondering when I last was brought to stillness from the overwhelming awe of Who God is. Consider: a loved one delivering a eulogy often pauses to hold back tears or a parent unable to express the grandness of their love for the sleeping newborn they rock. The moments are so real to the heart that a form of expression becomes impossible to find and so we pause. The last moment I recall not being able to find an expression other than my quiet and amazed heart for God was a few months ago when I was sitting on a dock surrounded by the night. Overwhelmed, I sat in silence and just recognized. I knew in my heart it was an amazing moment of worship and words would only cheapen my heart’s cry.

What moment has ceased your outward expression? I would love to hear the testimonies of others’ awe.


Rob said...

I can recall times when God has revealed things to me while I was in prayer that I just could not fully articulate. Moments of genuine encounter with God - . . . I don't even know where to begin, how could I possibly begin to describe it?

Bekah Jo said...

Those are amazing moments.