Thursday, January 14, 2010

Return to Writing

Over the past year my love for writing has deteriorated and I hate that. During the lull between my classes these last few weeks I have come to realize how much I miss it and need it. Without it I feel that my thoughts have become a fog, yet my reading, writing, and research for classes have been a hindrance in allotting time for personal writing. I feel as if I have been writing and reading nonstop on account of obligation, rather than enjoyment. It is especially evident because the mass of daily activities have pulled me from social interaction as well. With the majority of my friends on the opposite side of the state and in Pennsylvania, my world has slowly closed in on me during this past year. My classes and work are online. I am determined as I embark on my final stretch of classes to prioritize some time for an outlet for my personal wellbeing. Twenty ten is a year I look forward to and many things are scheduled to occur that will be major and exciting changes for me. I will return to writing for it is something I cherish as a way to sort through my head’s countless thoughts and to simply socialize more. I know I will continue to be busy with the particular classes that I am beginning, but by prioritizing I know I can enhance my time management.