Monday, May 19, 2008

Stars in the Sky

I love NYC, but when I am there I miss more than anything seeing clear night skies full of countless stars. I am amazed every time I look up at them and am reminded of God's greatness. I don't have words to explain how much these moments mean to me, how they impact me, or how they humble me. I'm not good at using words to capture the fullness of these stilled moments in time.

Obviously, the lights of the City create too much artificial light for the human eye to see much beyond. This simple concept is what sparked my thinking. The same is exactly true in regards to why God is someone who may be out there, but not real to so many. Even many Christians go through their lives in this manner. Things of this world become our world (our life), and the more "buildings" we build, the dimmer God becomes. Yes, He is still there, but we can't see Him. He hasn't moved from us. We are the ones that take the steps away, making Him seem non-existent. Even if we look up in desperation, we wonder where He is when we need Him. The lights of our "buildings" continue to blind and surround us.

Are we to run to the desert? Leave this world behind? We are not called to withdraw, but to go where the need is. We need to be amidst the "buildings". We just need to turn off the lights from these buildings (our buildings), one at a time. As we do, His reality is revealed to us and we see a world in need. When this world darkens we see beyond. We see God surrounds us. He holds us in His hand. We are small, but not alone.

These thoughts unite with the command to walk by faith and not by sight. No matter how great, sturdy or tall the things of this world appear; none of it will last. Nothing before our eyes is eternal. Even the sturdiest of what our sight holds will be destroyed one day. For New Yorkers and Americans everywhere, 9/11 opened eyes to this reality as two of the most solid structures in the city came crashing down. The truth is that the rest of what we see will one day follow and then we will be left with what is real. God.

Do we learn? We may pause and reflect. Many even seek and find God in the moment as this world stills, but then we build new buildings that we believe will be sturdier. Our eyes become clouded once more. It's a cycle that will not end until God reveals the truth to the distracted eyes and faith becomes sight, once and for all, for His children. Until that day I pray and cry to You Lord, "Cover my eyes now, so my heart may finally see (Barlow Girl)."

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (II Corinthians 4:16-18, NIV)."

Look above and beyond this temporary world. God is with us and He made us for more than this. Whether we choose to walk by faith or not does not alter the reality of truth.

Written: October 3, 2005
Revised: March 15, 2007

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