Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Politic Game

I have to say I’m getting sick of the political popularity game. Focus on cheap shots to undermine characters is not what interests me. An important election is ahead and a lot of issues are on the table, but media time and stories are wasted on misinterpreted comments (stupid or not) and popularity ratings. I know the current standing statistics of the candidates have a place in news, but I believe the issues themselves deserve greater reporting time. I’m not voting for homecoming king/queen; I’m voting for a new U.S. President! This is about America’s future, and speaking of America’s future, what example do these campaign tactics illustrate to young people that make up America’s future? Is this what we want portrayed by leadership?

Character is a central element, and in this large of a setting all details are important as we face November’s decision. However, a person’s character does not become greater by bringing discredit to another’s. It is strengthened by respectable talk, stance, and action. I am ashamed to have to say that my respect for much involved in all aspects of this race is not high.

This is not an attack on any party or reporter, but rather a thought about the whole state of this race.

1 comment:

Bill Stanley said...

You took the words right out of my mouth RebJo. This year has been tame compared to years past, well in my adult voting life that is. But still the commercials have got to stop. They come on for either candidate and I hit mute.

Glad you are doing well. We miss you and can't wait to see you soon.