Friday, August 1, 2008

Hard At Work

My cousin and his entire church staff have gone out of town for a conference, so today I have undertaken the colossal responsibility of assuming the role of an entire church staff in one. A role that only my three years of church/school staff experience could qualify me for. Ok, so maybe I’m sitting here doing absolutely nothing and have nothing more to occupy my time than write a new post. A post that I’m sure will be so stimulating that it will be read by countless numbers across the world. I completed my responsibilities, aka: busy work, at approximately 11:00 am.

My core task today was to fold the bulletins. They have a machine to do the actual folding. All I was required to do was feed the machine, manually of course and in numbers of less than 15 so not to jam it. I believe the contraption was built shortly after God created the earth. I was impressed that I had only one bulletin casualty through my efforts.

Small offices always have devices that entertain me. These devices would never be found in modern fast-paced offices, but just as God uses the least of mankind to do His work, the least of technology finds life and purpose in small church offices and non-profit organizations. I actually think I find these things more intriguing than the latest hi-tech inventions that I use everyday. So to all of you working in fast-paced offices with your fancy gadgets, be jealous. Be very jealous.

1 comment:

Gary Durbin said...

you can't escape it...none of us can. we'll all be doing office work forever.